
Dedicated GPUs
for High Performance

Select best suited templates from available options that N4C offers to thier clients. Our templates provide users with a simplified user-interface that results in better outcome.


Upgrade Your Hardware for Performance

High-End Performance

To generate high-end graphics or stream high-resolution videos, a GPU located on-site isn’t capable enough. Users must start by deploying GPU-specific cloud servers, then move to the high-end cloud for high-end video and graphic rendering, leaving boring & repetitive tasks to your onsite terminal. It simply helps businesses to focus more on innovation.

Custom Configurations

As we have a scarcity of system resources, users are more likely to take shortcuts and settle with low-resolution graphics. This results in giving poor results at the end oftentimes. The cloud-based GPU instances from Net4Choice are customized to meet the needs of a video editor/graphics designer and are built for getting maximum output from a GPU.

Cloud Database Hosting

Built for developers

Contact our support team now to know more about our customized services for Cloud Templates.

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Need for Dedicated GPUs

Get to know the reasons for choosing high-end dedicated GPUs for your business operations without any hassles.

Now streaming videos with 4K resolution is not a dream anymore, it is possible without overburdening your system. With the help of our Cloud server, go live directly and connect with your audiences which were not convenient before due to low system specs or overloading.

We have a set of gameplay settings that blend perfectly with your high-resolution games if set on a particular configuration. Cloud server makes it easy to live stream directly from the cloud remotely. In addition, users can play high-resolution games without any need to download them to the local system.